
Former Nenraiji Belfry


松本市中央4丁目9-13 妙勝寺

建築年 宝永2(1705)年
設計者 不明
施工者 摂津国大坂四天王寺檜波衆和泉守藤原家次 中村善兵衛ほか




Former Nenraiji Belfry

Year of construction: 1705(Hoei 2)
Architect: Unknown 
Builder: Settsu Province, Osaka Shitennoji Hinohashu Fujiwara Ietsugu Nakamura Zenbei, etc. 
[Nagano Prefecture Treasure]

A total hinoki (Japanese cypress) bell tower built in 1705. While many temples were prayer temples for lords or family temples, Nenrai-ji has been maintained as a temple for the common people, attracting the faith of many people. The temple was closed in 1872 due to the abolition of Buddhism and the temple complex was destroyed, but the bell tower was saved from destruction because it served as the “time bell.

The first floor is covered with shingles, and the second floor and the large roof are supported by a multi-layered framework.  The eaves are double-layered, and instead of using rafters (square timber), they are brought out by thick boards with carvings of clouds. The second floor has a latticework ceiling with a bell suspended from the center of a circular, colored directional board. The bell and the ornaments on the parapet, such as the pseudopodia, had been lost during the war, but were restored during the repair work in 2020.
