
Shota Yamauchi



主な展覧会に、『Terrada Art Award 2021』(寺田倉庫、東京/2021)、『第二のテクスチュア(感触)』(Gallery TOH、東京/2021)、『水の波紋 2021展 消えゆく風景からー 新たなランドスケープ』(ワタリウム美術館、東京/2021)、『六本木クロッシング2019:つないでみる』(森美術館、東京/2019)など。

Shota Yamauchi was born in Gifu Prefecture in 1992 and currently lives in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Through installations and performances, he depicts the various emotions that lie between technology and human beings. In recent years, he has been relying on tactile motifs such as “skin” and “smell” in order to uncover contemporary human patterns.

Major exhibitions include “Terrada Art Award 2021” (The Terada Warehouse, Tokyo/2021), “The Second Texture (Feel)” (Gallery TOH, Tokyo/2021), “Ripples of Water 2021: From Vanishing Landscapes – New Landscapes” (Watari-um Art Museum, Tokyo/2021), and “Roppongi Crossing 2019: Tsunade Miru” (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo/2019).







These two video works are a series of telephone conversations.

In “Asking Mr. Ichisawa about his divorce”, I talk to Mr. Ichisawa, the landlord of the apartment building where I lived when I was a graduate student. In the video, I ask Mr. Ichisawa about the mysterious “Batsu(X)” mark on the first flight of stairs in his apartment. That’s all there is to it. The more I look back
 at it, the more I can’t help but feel that this “Batsu (X)” mark has some kind of significance, as if I’ve stepped off the edge of a crack that has suddenly appeared in my daily life.

 The story “Talking to a waste collector about TV” is about an exchange between me and a waste collector about a CRT TV left at the entrance of my house.  In the conversation, we find out that the man knew that the CRT TV had been left there for some time. It made me strangely aware that “someone is watching me! I was strangely made aware of this, and I felt compelled to purify this feeling through the creation of this work, which led me to create this video work. The video is a clay animation of my house reproduced in oil clay, with movement.