Matsumotoshi Art Center展示アーティスト
建築年 平成16(2004)年
設計者 伊東豊雄
施工者 竹中工務店
Matsumotoshi Art Center
Year of construction: 2004 (Heisei 16)
Architect: Toyo Ito
Builder: Takenaka Engineering
Designed by Toyo Ito, a world-famous architect from Nagano Prefecture, this cultural facility with a hall for the performing arts was built in 2004.
By placing the stage in the center of the site and the seating in the back, it widens the space for people to move around in the circle and creates an borderless and natural space where people can gather. Taking advantage of the abundant spring water, the building is surrounded by water. The curved exterior walls are composed of glass surfaces and GRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete) panels inlaid with glass, filling the interior with soft light. The main hall is a horseshoe shape with four tiers of balcony seating and a four-sided stage, planned to accommodate a wide range of productions. The rooftop is a grassy plaza, planted with lilacs as a remnant of the lilac park that used to be located here, and is open to the public.
It has won the 47th BCS Award. It has also been selected as one of the 100 best halls by acousticians.