Fumiya Fujii1962年、福岡県生まれ。1983年に「チェッカーズ」としてデビュー。
1993年の解散後はソロ・デビューするが、その最初の活動は音楽ではなく、《FUMIYA》+《ART》=《FUMIYART》の発表だった。〈未来の宗教画〉をテーマにした初のCG展「FUMIYART~TAKE A BREAK~」を開催(渋谷PARCO)し、全国9都市を巡回。
以降、〈宇宙建築〉をテーマにした「FUMIYART 2」(1995 全国7都市)、「FUMIYART 2 in New York」(1995 ニューヨーク)、「FUMIYART 3 in Paris」(1997 パリ)、「FUMIYART 3」(1998 東京)、「FUMIYART 2000」(1998 全国12都市)、「FUMIYART from TOKYO」(2002 ニューヨーク)など、日本のみならず海外でも活動するが、10周年の集大成とした大規模な全国巡回展「FUMIYART」(2003)でアート活動を一旦休止する。
2019年、アート活動を再開。「デジタルとアナログで創造する 藤井フミヤ展 多様な想像新世界」(東京)の開催と同時に、画集『The Diversity』を刊行する。
巡回展として、ハーモ美術館(2019 長野)、阪急うめだ店(2020 大阪)、浜松市美術館(2021 静岡)、福岡アジア美術館(2021 福岡)、奥田元宋・小由女美術館(2021 広島)、佐川美術館(2022 滋賀)、金沢21世紀美術館(2022 石川)、延岡・内藤記念博物館(2023 宮崎)、八戸市美術館(2024 青森)。2021年には『All about FUMIYART 藤井フミヤの想像新世界』(美術出版社)を出版。
Born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1962. He made his debut in 1983 as Checkers.
After disbanding in 1993, he made his solo debut, but his first activity was not music, but “FUMIYA” + “ART” = “FUMIYART” It was an announcement. Held the first CG exhibition “FUMIYART~TAKE A BREAK~” with the theme of “Religious Paintings of the Future” (Shibuya PARCO) and toured 9 cities nationwide.
Since then, “FUMIYART 2” (1995, 7 cities nationwide), “FUMIYART 2 in New York” (1995, New York), and “FUMIYART” have been held under the theme of “space architecture” 3 in Paris” (1997 Paris), “FUMIYART 3” (1998 Tokyo), “FUMIYART 2000″ (1998, 12 cities nationwide), FUMIYART from TOKYO” (New York, 2002), but he has been active not only in Japan but also overseas, but he temporarily took a break from his art activities with the large-scale nationwide touring exhibition “FUMIYART” (2003), which was the culmination of his 10th anniversary.
In 2019, he resumed his art activities. At the same time as the exhibition “Fumiya Fujii: Diverse Imaginary New Worlds” (Tokyo), he will publish his art book “The Diversity”. Traveling exhibitions include the Harmo Museum (Nagano, 2019), Hankyu Umeda (Osaka, 2020), Hamamatsu City Museum of Art (Shizuoka, 2021), and the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (2021 Fukuoka), Motosong Okuda and Koyume Museum of Art (2021 Hiroshima), Sagawa Museum of Art (2022 Shiga), 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (2022 Ishikawa), Nobeoka Naito Memorial Museum (2023 Miyazaki). In 2021, he published “All about FUMIYART: Fumiya Fujii’s Imaginary New World” (Bijutsu Publishing Co., Ltd.).
Currently, the traveling exhibition “Fumiya Fujii Exhibition: Fumiyat 2024” is being held at the Hachinohe City Museum of Art (Aomori).
It is surprisingly not known that Fumiya Fujii, who became a solo artist after the dissolution of Checkers in 1993, was an exhibition of CG works called “FUMIYART”.
The exhibition traveled to Paris and New York as well as all over Japan, but in 2003 it temporarily ended its 10-year artistic activity. Since 2019, in addition to his early CG works, he has been holding exhibitions of more than 100 digital and analog works at museums throughout Japan, including works using various techniques such as oil painting, watercolor, ballpoint pen drawing, paper cutout, pasted painting, and wire work.
The three works on display this time are early CG art works.
【Religious painting of the future】
“This is a computer graphics work created by feeling the sci-fi appeal of Christian religious paintings drawn only by imagination from biblical stories. There is no other concept that blends the past and the future, is immutable and so imaginative. I imagined a digital religious painting that would be hung on the wall of a modern future cathedral. The creation of digital religious paintings gave me the concentration of a God-like Renaissance painter. I felt a certain presence behind the gaze of Christ on the monitor, and I fell into the strange illusion that my soul was connected to the universe using the computer as a connector.”
Words by Fumiya Fujii
Digital religious painting.
Footprints that go while beating and hurting people. In the end, it disappears without hesitation before God.
Digital religious painting.
Lined up are nuclear missiles.
It is the fingertips of one human being that destroy the entire earth.
Japonisme digitally depicted.
《KARMA》1993, CG, Silkscreen, Paper, 160×160㎝(4 works)
《SWICH》1993, CG, Paper, Acrylic Plate, 50×170㎝(2 works)
《JAPAN》1993, CG, Silkscreen, Acrylic Plate, 100×80㎝(2 works)