
Naoki Ishikawa


平成20(2008)年、『NEW DIMENSION』(赤々舎)、『POLAR』(リトルモア)により日本写真協会賞新人賞、講談社出版文化賞。平成23(2011)年、『CORONA』(青土社)により土門拳賞。令和2(2020)年、『EVEREST』(CCCメディアハウス)、『まれびと』(小学館)により日本写真協会賞作家賞を受賞した。著書に、開高健ノンフィクション賞を受賞した『最後の冒険家』(集英社)、『地上に星座をつくる』(新潮社)ほか多数。

Born in Tokyo in 1977. Photographer. Completed the doctoral course at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Interested in anthropology, folklore, and other fields, he has traveled all over the world, from remote areas to cities, while continuing to publish his works.

He received the Newcomer’s Award of the Photographic Society of Japan and the Kodansha Publishing Culture Award for “NEW DIMENSION” (Akakasha) and “POLAR” (Little More) in 2008, and the Ken Domon Award for “CORONA” (Seidosha) in 2011. In 2020, he received the Photographic Society of Japan Award for Best Artist for EVEREST (CCC Media House) and Marebito (Shogakukan). He is the author of “The Last Adventurer” (Shueisha), which won the Ken Kaiko Nonfiction Prize, “Creating Constellations on Earth” (Shinchosha), and many other books.