Nobuko Tsuchiya展示会場
現代美術作家。平成13(2001)年、ゴールドスミスカレッジ ポストグラデュエイトコース終了。様々な素材を使い、抽象的かつ空想的で、鑑賞者の五感を刺激する個性的な立体を制作している。トリフと空にコックピットと惑星のイメージを合体させた《Cookpit truffle》(コックピットトリフ)など、作品は未来的とも思える日常離れした世界観が特徴。代表的な展覧会シリーズに、「30ways to go to the moon」(30種類の月への行き方)などがある。
Nobuko Tsuchiya is a contemporary artist who completed a post-graduate course at Goldsmiths College in 2001. Using a variety of materials, she creates abstract and fantastical sculptures that stimulate the viewer’s five senses. His works, such as “Cookpit truffle”, which combines the image of a cockpit and a planet in the sky with a triffle, are characterized by a futuristic, out-of-the-ordinary world view. His representative exhibition series include “30 ways to go to the moon”.
His major exhibitions include “Venice Biennale” (Italy/2003), “ummonumental” (New York New Museum, USA/2007), “Busan Biennale” (Korea/2016), “Roppongi Crossing” (Mori Art Museum, Japan/2019), and Yorkshire Sculpture International” (UK/2019), and “Nissan Art Award” (Japan/2020).
今回の作品は、展覧会シリーズ「30ways to go to the moon」からの出品で、月に行くための装置です。
I am trying to create something incomprehensible by digging up the incomprehensible part of me and accumulating a process that is not at all logical.
Many of these processes are seemingly ridiculous, such as dancing fluffily while diving into three meters of cotton, or talking continuously to the material. As I create forms completely unintentionally, I sometimes end up with waste that are ten times the size of the actual art exhibited. Through this process, I am trying to uncover forgotten memories and unconscious parts of myself.
I believe that fantasies and imaginations are the highest form of entertainment for human beings and that they give impact to society and provide the “strength to live”. I also believe that there is a great potential in fantasies and imaginations and the things that stimulate them because they are in the fields that cannot be theoretically understood.
This work is from the exhibition series “30ways to go to the moon” and is a device to go to the moon.