Kengo Kito展示会場Venue
主な個展に、『Maltiple StarI,II,III』(ハラミュージアムアーク、東京/2017)、『Full Lightness』(京都市京セラ美術館、京都/2020)、『big rip』(rin art association、群馬/2021)。グループ展には、『六本木クロッシング 2007:未来への脈動』(森美術館、東京/2007)、『アーティストファイル』(国立新美術館、東京/2011)、『Mono No Aware』(エルミタージュ美術館、ロシア/2013)、『ギホウのヒミツ』(高松市美術館、香川/2019)など。
Born in Aichi, Japan in 1977. Professor of postgraduate course at Kyoto University of the Arts. After graduated from the Department of Oil Painting at Nagoya University of the Arts in 2001, Kito completed his postgraduate studies of oil painting at Kyoto City University of Arts in 2003. In 2008, Kito spent a year in New York as part of the reward program for winning the Goto Memorial Cultural Award, followed by 2 years of creation period in Berlin, Germany.
Kito has been highly acknowledged both domestically and internationally for his works, which often combine contemporary colors found in such industrial products as hula-hoops and shampoo bottles merged with proliferation of organic lives, and expansion of the universe.
His major solo exhibitions include “Multiple StarⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ” at Hara Museum ARC, Gunma in 2017, and “Full Lightness” at Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, Kyoto in 2020. Other major group exhibitions include “Roppongi Crossing 2007: Future Beats in Japanese Contemporary Art” at Mori Art Museum in 2007, “Artist File” at the National Art Center, “Mono no Aware” at the State Hermitage Museum, Russia in 2013, and “The Secrets of Techniques“ at Takamatsu Art Museum in 2019. In 2021, his latest solo exhibition “big rip” was introduced at rin art association, Gunma.
Colorful installations combining everyday materials, which are always derived from “paintings,” are born from the experience of color and the consideration of light. In this exhibition, in addition to “painting” works combining circular LED lights on canvas, several works painted on transparent electric signboards will be exhibited in a garage.