Masayuki Kawai展示会場Venue
文化庁、ポーラ美術振興財団の派遣芸術家としてNYで活動するほか、イェルサレム視覚芸術センター(JCVA)、東京都/パリ市/Culturefrance の2国間アーティスト派遣プログラムなどのアーティスト・イン・レジデンスに選ばれる。国外の芸術祭や映画祭に多数参加し、六本木Think Zone(森美術館主催)、NYクイーンズ美術館、Chi-Wen Gallery(台湾)、 MORI YU GALLERY(東京・京都)などで個展。
Born in Osaka in 1972 and currently lives in Tokyo. Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Letters, Department of Aesthetics and Arts, and withdrew from the doctoral program of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Tokyo.
He has been active as a video artist, and his work is characterized by a philosophical style that questions the nature of images. His wide-ranging activities transcend genres, including film, contemporary art, and live performance, and he has been active internationally.
He received the Young Video Artists Initiative Award from the Mori Art Museum in 2002 (jury member: David Elliott), the Jury Encouragement Award at the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen in 2002, and the Special Award at the Tokyo Experimental Festival at Tokyo Wonder Site in 2012 (jury chairman: Toshi Ichiyanagi).
In addition to working in New York as an artist dispatched by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Pola Art Foundation, he has been selected as an artist-in-residence by the Jerusalem Center for Visual Arts (JCVA) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government / City of Paris / Culturefrance bilateral artist-in-residence program. He has participated in numerous art and film festivals in Japan and abroad, and has had solo exhibitions at Roppongi Think Zone (organized by Mori Art Museum), Queens Museum of Art, NY, Chi-Wen Gallery (Taiwan), MORI YU GALLERY (Tokyo and Kyoto).
As an art director, he has planned and organized numerous other projects, including international video exhibitions. He also works as a theorist, publishing Japan’s first book on aesthetics related to video art, “Reflection: Practical Aesthetics of Video Art” (Suiseisha, 2018), among others.
Video Feedback
2F大劇場では、25年前の作品をもとにマツモト建築芸術祭にあわせて再制作される、準新作を上映する。色と音だけを感じながら、松本市内のさまざまな場所をめぐっていく、〈かたちのない映画〉。1F小劇場の上映作品は、暴走するアナログ電子データのフィードバックによって、即興的に映像とサウンドが生み出されていく〈Video Feedback〉シリーズ(2011-)からのセレクション。
The artist will present two different styles of video works that depart from digital control and experience the perception of images generated through the inclusion of analog coincidences.
In the large theater on the 2nd floor, a recent work based on a 25-year-old film will be screened, which is being re-produced for the Matsumoto Architectural Art Festival. This “film without form” takes viewers on a tour of various locations in Matsumoto City, feeling only the colors and sounds. The works to be screened in the small theater on the 1st floor are selections from the “Video Feedback” series (2011-), in which images and sounds are improvised by the feedback of runaway analog electronic data.
In the “Video Feedback Live Performance” to be held during the exhibition, dozens of 20- to 30-year-old video equipment will be used to create anomalous loop circuits. An unpredictable electronic outburst is triggered, and the artists improvise in response to the flow. A torrent of images and sounds is created that changes from moment to moment, and each moment is unique and can never be reproduced.