主な個展として、メリーゴーランド京都(京都/2015〜19)、ブックギャラリーポポタム(東京/2013~19)、トランスポップギャラリー(京都/2013~18)、nowaki(京都/2018)、ON READING (名古屋/2015)、Gallery H2O(京都/2011)、Druckdealer(ハンブルク/2011)、ビリケンギャラリー(東京/2010)、New Galerie(パリ/2009)で開催。また、COMITIA(東京)、Unlimited Edition(ソウル)、ZIne Day Taiwan(台北)、TCAF(トロント)などのブックフェアに参加している。
Painter and comic artist living in Kyoto. While exhibiting his paintings at galleries in Japan and abroad, he also produces zines and anthologies as a comic book artist. He often participates in book fairs and other events. His picture book “Pa-chan’s hoodie” is now on sale from Akane Shobo.
Major solo exhibitions include Merry-Go-Round Kyoto (Kyoto/2015-19), Book Gallery Popotum (Tokyo/2013-19), Transpop Gallery (Kyoto/2013-18), NOWAKI (Kyoto/2018), ON READING (Nagoya/2015), Gallery H2O (Kyoto/2011), Druckdealer (Hamburg/2011), Billiken Gallery (Tokyo/2010), New Galerie (Paris/2009). He has also participated in book fairs such as COMITIA (Tokyo), Unlimited Edition (Seoul), ZIne Day Taiwan (Taipei), and TCAF (Toronto).
グラフィティを描くタイプのアーティストにはずっとひそかに憧れがあって、最初に好きになったのはバリー・マッギーだったと思う。当時の自分はグラフィティといえば、俺は強い!お前ぶっとばす!みたいな気持ちを壁に叩きつけたやつだと思っていたが、バリーが描くのは陰気な顔をしたしょぼくれたおじさんなどで、俺は弱い!悩みがいっぱい!みたいなかんじ。衝撃的だった。デビューシングルでいきなり「♪I am a Loser〜(ぼくは負け犬)」と高らかに歌ったベックを思った。面白い!と思った。
I have always had a secret admiration for the type of artists who paint graffiti, and I think my first favorite was Barry McGee. At the time, when I thought of graffiti, I thought, “I’m strong!”, “I’m strong! I’ll blow you away!” But Barry paints gloomy-faced, dreary uncles saying “I’m weak! I’m full of worries!” It was shocking. I thought of Beck, who suddenly sang “I am a Loser~” in his debut single. Funny! I thought.
After more than a decade had passed, I had the opportunity to visit Hamburg for the first time for a group exhibition with a group of German artists. Some of them were graffiti writers, and I was happy to see their works on the streets. I felt as if I could meet them even if I could not see them in person during my stay. I thought that this is what it means to paint directly on the streets and to have your painting become a part of the city.
I am very happy to be able to paint in Matsumoto this time.