建築年 昭和8(1933)年(当初は船であった)
設計者 不明
施工者 船大工 藤原卓美他
Oyster boat
Year of construction: 1933 (Showa 8) (originally a ship)
Architect: unknown
Builder: Shipbuilder Takumi Fujiwara and others
Oyster boats are houseboats moored on rivers to serve Hiroshima oyster dishes. Today, only a few boats continue to operate on rivers, making them an “endangered species,” so to speak. The boats were built in Hiroshima, dismantled and transported by railroad, and completed by carpenters and shipbuilders in Hiroshima over a period of six months.
The boat was initially operated as a houseboat, but around 1937 (Showa 12), the bottom of the boat flooded, so it was fixed to the pier in the form of a boat on piles driven into the moat. Although it is no longer a “boat” that floats on the water, it is still required to serve as a folklore document of existing “oyster boats.
Both sides of the entrance are mortared walls, but the original structure was luxurious, with latticework bay windows. The bent zelkova rafters of the entrance eaves are said to have taken a whole day to carve out. The boats were built with the pier cut off from the edge and floated on the moat, moored to the bank. Because the guest rooms were located on both sides of a tatami-matted central corridor, it was necessary to adjust the number of people sitting where they would be seated to prevent the boat from tilting.