池上邸 土蔵
Ikegami-tei storehouse展示アーティストArtist
建築年 明治時代
設計者 不明
施工者 不明
Ikegami-tei storehouse
Year of construction: Meiji era
Architect: Unknown
Builder: Unknown
Located outside the castle town of Matsumoto, this storehouse was built as a rice storehouse in the Meiji era by the family that once served as headman. It was built as a rice storehouse in the Meiji era. The north side of the building is a snake river formed by a spring, and the foundation is made of cut stones laid on the stone piles that also serve as a stone wall. It is said that the foundation was built high and filled with gravel in preparation for flood damage.
The exterior hip walls are not laminated, but a modern combination of troweled and washed mortar. The roof is a hipped roof, suggesting that it was built with a Western style in mind. Inside the storehouse, the lower half of the walls are covered with drop boards to protect the walls when items are placed on them. The shed is built with trusses.
It has been used for many years as a venue for the “May of Crafts” event held every May in Matsumoto City around the Agata no Mori Park. The space created by the storehouses, the waterway, and the main building of an old private house in the Honmune-zukuri style, which is unique to the Matsumoto Plain in central Nagano Prefecture, is loved by many people as a typical Matsumoto landscape.